March 2024

Quote of the Month
If you consider your thoughts, emotions, urges, and impulses to be coming from an inner landscape that’s best understood as a kind of internal family, populated by subpersonalities, many of whom are childlike and suffering, then it makes more sense to take that next step of comforting and holding these inner selves rather than just observing and objectifying them.
~Richard Schwartz

In this newsletter, we give you a taste of the ways that IFS is very different from traditional eating disorders treatment. Just at we cope best with changable weather by acknowledging Mother Nature’s whims rather than trying to fight them, in IFS work we get to know a client’s system as it is thus allowing it to shift.

This Month’s video is a conversation between Diana and me.

And here is a Meditation of Diana’s that guides you to settle in and connect your body and your Self.

Posted in Focus Within: Connecting IFS and Nutrition Professionals