January 2024

“For fast-acting relief, try slowing down.” – Lily Tomlin

This month’s newsletter focuses on pacing. We offer a taste of pacing:

  1. In our sessions
  2. In phasing in parts work as we learn the IFS model
  3. In developing a keener parts detector within ourselves
  4. In merging eating disorder work with IFS

One of the questions we hear most often is “How do I do parts work if I’m doing eating disorder therapy?” It can seem that the timing to include both in one session seems elusive – how to merge the two? One key point to remember is we were trained to do clinical nutrition in our ED work. Many of us never received quality counseling education so we developed skills on our own.

This month’s video will inspire you to slow down, allow curiosity to be present, and demonstrates effective ways to blend IFS and clinical needs. Slow is faster. Stay with parts longer, flesh more deeply. This builds and develops longer lasting trust between you and your client and your clients and their parts. Molly’s meditation will guide you toward your inner sanctuary, the place where you are neutral and most helpful, and help you identify parts of you that get in the way of counseling.

This month’s taste of IFS: Pacing and Using IFS in Clinical Settings
Ready to try out parts language? Eager to reflect parts to your client that your inner parts detector noticed? All set to guide your clients in insight?
Join Diana as she outlines types of pacing in a parts work session. Disclaimer: She/her pronouns were used in the video for ease in recording only.

Accompany Molly in this meditation you can drop into prior to a session. It will also give you ideas for how to slow down when you are feeling off kilter, or overwhelmed in the middle of a session (or anytime, really!)

Posted in Focus Within: Connecting IFS and Nutrition Professionals