August 2023

You may find yourselves in professional transitions, perhaps eager to learn more, and opting to add to our current knowledge base of CPT, DPT, Motivational Interviewing, and ACT by delving into IFS. You’re in the right place for that first step!

We invite you to watch Diana’s video on welcoming all the parts your client brings in to a session. Molly offers a meditation you can use prior to a client session. It encourages your parts to relax and allow more of your Self energy to be present. You are welcome to use these resources for yourself and/or with clients as you see fit.

This month we also share a complete and straight forward introduction to Internal Family Systems via a webinar with Dick Schwartz and Rich Rolls that includes a wonderful demonstration of the model at the end. In this demo, you’ll witness hesitant parts, resistant parts, unsure parts, and how the IFS model allows space for these and all parts!

Quote of the Month
You are more than the sum of your parts. Aristotle

Here is Diana’s video on welcoming a client’s parts.

And Molly’s meditation for prior to a client session.

Rick Rolls podcast with Dick Schwartz describing the IFS model and working with Rick’s parts.

Posted in Focus Within: Connecting IFS and Nutrition Professionals