May 2024

Quote of the Month:
“If you can become what I call the primary caretaker of your own parts, then you free intimate partners (or therapists, children, parents, etc.) from the responsibility of taking care of raw and needy exiles. Those people then can act as secondary caretakers of your parts, which is a much more enjoyable and feasible role.” ~Richard Schwartz

I find May is an invitation to emerge from winter’s warmth and comfort into a blossoming world of wonder. Our parts delight in the offerings Spring showers on us.

And, they can sometimes conflict. I have parts that long to prune the dead branches from shrubs and flowers yet another that wants to cozy inside as it’s still a little chilly and raw out there.

You’ll bump into these opposing parts in client sessions, too. A part expresses a desire to weigh less. Then another moans and says, “It’s so hard, why bother?” We have a skill set in the IFS model to help clients unblend from both of these parts, get to know their desires for you and fears of what happens when the other part takes over, and negotiate with them both to recognize you are here too holding Self-energy for them both.

This month’s video is a conversation with Diana about polarizations.

And check out this meditation that Molly recorded to help you get some space around one of your polarizations.

Posted in Focus Within: Connecting IFS and Nutrition Professionals

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